This is what I think is a fairly simple question, but couldn't find an answer through google searching.

When I use Excel on Windows and I'm typing in cells, autocomplete waits until what I'm typing only matches one previous entry, then it autofills it in the cell and by hitting tab to move to next column or enter to move to next row, it accepts that autofill.

However, when I use Excel on a Mac and I'm typing in cells, autocomplete immediately brings up a menu box with all previous entries currently matching. If I continue typing until one item is left in menu box and then hit enter or tab, it still doest not accept that autofill. I either have to click on the autofill with the mouse or hit the down arrow to choose the autofill before hitting tab or enter. This makes the option pretty useless because you are no longer really saving any time.

Spreadsheet column has previously had "Easement", "Extension", and "Ext/OGL" used. If I start typing an "E", on Windows, nothing happens. If I hit "Ea" then it autofills the cell with "Easement" and hitting tab or enter completes that entry.

On Mac, if I hit "E", then "Easement", "Extension", and "Ext/OGL" all popup on a dropdown menu box. If I then continue by having typed "Ea" then the dropdown menu now only includes "Easement", but if I hit enter or tab then that cell would still just say "Ea". To get it to say "Easement" I have to physically choose either with down arrow or mouse the word "Easement" from the dropdown menu.

Is it possible to fix it on Mac where hitting tab or enter will just choose what is in the autcomplete dropdown menu? I found the menu for changing options for autocomplete, but it doesn't seem any of the check boxes are for this issue.

Thanks in advance