This is the problem I'm having.

I run a report that displays information. For example, report A shows that Diet Pepsi is in the retail account and this information is generated from the user as they manually check off a box saying "yes" it's in the account. I need a way to cross reference whether it's a true fact or not. Internally I can run a sales report that shows what the account has in it. Problem is it's not a feasible practice for 2000 accounts.

I was hoping to find a way to export the information of what the user enters in his computer and then have it match up with some internal sales reports. The problem is that while report A shows "Diet Pepsi" as a line item. The sales report is written a little different. I.e. Diet Pepsi 101 (even though they are the same).

Ultimately the goal is that if Report A is saying the account has Diet Pepsi and our internal sales reports show no evidence of it. I get a #NA of some sort. Which would mean false information is being entered. Therefore not accurate and the user is either lying or mistakenly putting something different.

I think the type of formula I am looking for is Iferror but never have used this or understand how it works.