I have a field called "sum of purchases". I can set the pivot up to display this field correctly as a % of the column total. However, I want to be able to setup a separate calculated field as "% of sum of purchases". I think I need to do this so that I can use this new field in another calculation which would then multiply a "Rebate" field number by the percentage. However, I'm struggling to get the first new field to compute correctly.

Here's my formula for the calculated field for "% sum of Purchases":

=IF(ISNUMBER('Sum of purchases'/ SUM('Sum of purchases')),('Sum of purchases'/ SUM('Sum of purchases')),0)

What's wrong with this picture? Why can't I get the rows to display as a component percentage which would sum up to the column total at the bottom? Np to do this with the original field set to show values as % of column total, but as I outlined above, I'm thinking I need to setup the calculated field separately ... so it can be included in a second calculation.

Any ideas?



btw ... cross posted:

