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Calculate tax based on if there's an asterisk in another column

  1. #1
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    Question Calculate tax based on if there's an asterisk in another column


    I am attempting to put together a spreadsheet that acts as a quote for products and services we offer. The table has 5 columns (Item #, Item Description, Qty, Unit Price, Price (USD). Services are exempt from tax, but products aren't. For example, if we build a computer for them, it would be taxed. But if we are quoting for say a 10-hour block of on-site tech support, that total wouldn't be figured into the Tax section (there is a Sub Total, Tax, and Total section at the bottom I would like to auto sum). If the service is not taxed, I put an asterisk after the item description. If there is that asterisk, I'd like the tax calculation to not count the 7% tax under the Tax section.
    I have attached the table section with fake info and values for now. I'm not sure if this is possible through an expression, VBR or what.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Calculate tax based on if there's an asterisk in another column

    Excel is funny with asterisks because they are used as wildcards for lookups. There is a workaround for this though; if you add a space after the asterisks, you could then use this formula in E19 to get the result you are after:

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  3. #3
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    Re: Calculate tax based on if there's an asterisk in another column

    GENIUS!!! LOL! I never thought of adding a space!

    But now the issue is, it is adding the entire price of the non-taxable stuff to the taxes. So, instead of $797.99, it is showing $2,797.98. It needs to just not be in the calculation at all if it has that asterisk/space, like an "IF" statement or something.

  4. #4
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    Re: Calculate tax based on if there's an asterisk in another column

    I figured it out! I added a "*0" to the part about the asterisks. Woohoo! Thank you so much

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  5. #5
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate tax based on if there's an asterisk in another column

    I created a column to indicate no tax item with a * taxable items didn't have a *.

    Sum for taxable items:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Sum for non taxable items:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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