
I am wrestling with Countifs in trying to get to count how many records I have within a month period, calculated on cell E3 which is 01/02/2015. I dont want to use sumproduct as it is too work intensive.

=COUNTIFS('Email Data (TY)'!$U:$U,"<>0",'Email Data (TY)'!$D:$D,">"&E3,'Email Data (TY)'!$D:$D,"<"&EDATE(E3,1))
1. I am counting all records with on sheet Email Data (TY) with an email address in column U
2. I am counting all records in column D of Email Data (TY) which hold a date equal or later than 01/02/2015 in cell E3
3. I am failing to count all records via EDATE who are smaller then the end of the month in E3

I can put a =Month(E3) helper row in E4 if necessary, but would like to run without.
