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Need a Faster process (Multiple issues)

  1. #1
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    Need a Faster process (Multiple issues)

    I've posted here before a couple years ago but switched ISP's since then and cant remember my username, thus not really my first time posting . Anyways, I am working on a workbook, that I have working. I define "working" as the end results giving me the data that I need. The issue is the the process to get the final result costs me about 4 hours a day. I would like to shorten this time down as much as possible but just don't know what short cuts in the form of formula's, VB, Macro's, structural changes or anything else that could be used to shorten this process. It's safe to say that I am competent in excel, I work in it 5 days a week but I am far from being a master. I am needing a master's help I can record macro's but thats the extent of my experience with it. I know nothing of VB. I can think of no other ways to simplify the process than what is explained in the workbook.

    About the workbook:
    • I have replaced the actual data with fictional values obviously and have redcued the amount of data to only 19 rows when usually its in the thousands
    • I have added little instructions from the first tab all the way to the end tab on each step throughout the workbook telling what I do.
    • The workbook starts at the "DATA DUMP 1" tab and is simply an Oracle dump that is copied in there. Row 1 is never changing and Row 2 starts the data. nothing is else done there, so just go to the next tab for instructions.
    • The "Totals" tab is the end result.
    • The "Tech Range per Company" tab is not used but I listed it in case it could be useful somehow.

    The main issue that I have is that I have to run two sperate external reports then combine pieces of those two reports to get all the data I need so that a complex calculation can be made for a final result. this process as you will see from the workbook takes a looooooooooooooooong time shuffling crap around. I am hoping someone here will sojourn through this and help me to shorten the process as it is affecting my prodcutivity and you all have been helpful in the past? I will be available to answer questions Monday through Friday 9-5 cst and will check back hourly during those times and days, if someone wants to help?

    You're Help is appreciated. Workbook Below:

    Excel 2010 Project 1.xlsx

  2. #2
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    Re: Need a Faster process (Multiple issues)

    First Step. Delete your irrelevant rubbish

    Firstly so you can see the wood from the trees
    Secondly Excel will work a lot faster

    If the data is in the same format this could possibly be done in one line
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    At this point my data looks nothing like your tab1.

    I only have 20 rows of data and you are talking about copying E1:E41???????????

    "Copy & Paste VALUES from Column E1:E41 that ONLY have WO# data in them into E48:E88"
    Last edited by mehmetcik; 04-13-2015 at 01:29 PM.
    My General Rules if you want my help. Not aimed at any person in particular:

    1. Please Make Requests not demands, none of us get paid here.

    2. Check back on your post regularly. I will not return to a post after 4 days.
    If it is not important to you then it definitely is not important to me.

  3. #3
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    Re: Need a Faster process (Multiple issues)

    The rubbish that i listed as irrelevent is only irrelevant to the end result scoring process for this example workbook. In the real workbook I have to leave the data in so that the person i send to can verify in another external system that the data I am providing is not fabricated or inaccurate. For this sample workbook yes the data in those columnes is irrelevent but in the real one it is not.

    "Copy & Paste VALUES from Column E1:E41 that ONLY have WO# data in them into E48:E88"

    In this section I am just coping the cells in the Rose colored column within the range "E1:E41" that have work order numbers in them. If the row starts with 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ect then I dont copy them. What I am doing here is consolidating all the work order numbers down into one single cell since you can only use ", "& a specific amount of times before it no longer returns data. These work order numbers are imported into an a program that only accepts work order numbers from one line (no max character length though), so that is why I am doing this.

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