I have searched and added add-ons etc....

A lot of the things I have found pertain to:

XY Chart Labels (from appspro)
Tushar Mehta's Chart Hover Label utility

These go back several years now. It was probably great then, but with todays geniuses (you), surely there must be something more recent????
Have there been any "smarter advances" yet?

I have created an xy scatter chart and put a map in the back of it and using it as a heat map (looks great), the bosses and higher are thrilled - even threw in a couple of slicers and pivot tables to dazzle...., however when they hover over the many hundreds of points all they see is:

"Series "100000-150000" Point "79000" (79000-70000)

Where they want to see:

Customer: *******
Supplier: *******
QTY: *******
KGs: *******
Cost ($): *******
Deliveries (PW): *******

"By the way the above was learnt from you excel guru's....thank you"

I would prefer to do it in vba (im learning...) rather than rely on a add in.