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Can't add up colums to give a cumulative answer with a formula, tried everything I think?

  1. #1
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    Can't add up colums to give a cumulative answer with a formula, tried everything I think?

    I have 3 rows: new customer ; returning customer and purchases: every month the new customer is a different number, however I want the returning customer to add up for 36 months.

    1st month: new customer+returning customer - which is 0
    2nd month: new customer+returning customer of month 1
    3rd month: new customer +r customer of month 1+2
    4th month: new customer+ rcustomer of month 1+2+3
    36th month: new customer + rcusotmer of all months added up

    here is a link how it looks like : http://s27.postimg.org/q4mt1vahf/Untitled.png

    is there a formula by which i dont have to add up all separately? thanks!!!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Can't add up colums to give a cumulative answer with a formula, tried everything I thi

    Rather than a link to an image
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  3. #3
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    Re: Can't add up colums to give a cumulative answer with a formula, tried everything I thi

    Try this
    in E9 and apply it for the rest of your column by flash fill or copy/paste
    What this does is always add the new customer value from the row and then sum up all the values in the returning customer column from cell E9 (this is locked with the dollar sign $E$9) to whichever row you are on. So the above formula will look like this in E27: =D27+SUM($E$9:E27)

  4. #4
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    Re: Can't add up colums to give a cumulative answer with a formula, tried everything I thi

    here is the attachment where you can see the excel file
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Can't add up colums to give a cumulative answer with a formula, tried everything I thi

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

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