I'm working on a football statistics spreadsheet. I have multiple nested IF statements in what I'll call "WS1" for the first worksheet, which set up such that if any player's number between 1 and 99 is entered the player's name automatically appears in the column to the right of the player number (from a list in another worksheet). Let's use passing as an example. In the first quarter I could have several quarterbacks attempting passes and completing them. So, in WS1, Column A has the player number, Column B automatically enters the player's name (corresponding to the player's number), Column C has whether or not a pass was attempted - either a "1" for an attempt or it remains blank if the play was a running play (which is entered in another set of columns further to the right), and if the pass is completed a "1" is entered in Column D. Lets say that five (5) different quarterbacks attempt a pass in the first quarter and each completes at least one pass. Lets say QB A was 4 of out of 6. So, Rows 2 - 7 would have a line entry for QB A, on a play-by-play basis. For example, Row 2 would show an attempt in Col. C for QB A and it was complete, so there's a "1" in Col. D. After 6 passes, QB A gets hurt and QB B enters the game. QB B goes 3 out of 5. So, Rows 8 - 12 would be used, on a play-by-play basis during the game, to enter QB B's results. (Sorry to be so lengthy, but I had to set up the dilemma I now face).

On a separate worksheet (what I'll call "WS2") I want to show that, for the first quarter, QB A was 4 out of 6 - not on a row-by-row basis as is entered during the game in WS1, but on a single row. In other words, on WS2 I want to see the following on one row (say, Row 2) in Cols. A-D: Col. A - QB A's player number, Col. B - QB A's name, Col. C - QB A's total passes attempted, Col. D - QB A's passes completed. Similarly, on the next row down I want to show that QB B was 3 out of 5 - in the same fashion as QB A's totals on the row immediately above.

In essence, WS2 is a summary page for the row-by-row (which corresponds to play-by-play) data entered in WS1.

Keep in mind that any player numbered 1 through 99 could attempt and complete a pass (unrealistic, I know, but bear with me). Theoretically, I could have 99 players attempting and completing passes (again, unrealistic), so I need to be able to total perhaps multiple quarterbacks' results (or even a running back or a wide receiver throwing a pass).

Is there an easy way to do this? Do I need a macro (which I'm not adept at writing) or could something like VLOOKUP (with which I'm vaguely familiar) do this? (If I can figure out how to do this it will unlock doing the same sort of thing for rushing, receiving, etc. statistics)

Any help would be VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH appreciated. (Again, sorry for the message length.)