Ok, I will try to make this the least complicated to explain as possible.

Sheet 1

A1 = ABC
A2 = DEF
A3 = GHI

B1 = Mark
B2 = Mark
B3 = Mark

Sheet 2
A1 = ABC
A2 = DEF
A3 = GHI

B1 = Mark
B2 = Sally
B3 = Joe

So, sheet 2 is the true statement... (I want ABC = Mark, DEF = Sally, GHI = Joe) Is there a formula that will make anything in Sheet 1 Column B equal what Sheet 2 says column A's name should be?

I don't know if that makes any sense... I have been trying to create this report for two days now and don't know what side is up or down anymore!

Any help would be appreciated and I can try to clarify if this doesn't make sense.
