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Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

  1. #1
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    Smile Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    The problem: I have to change the hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95. The commissions are supposed to offset the pay and the hourly and overtime both need to decrease to a number to offset any amount of commission received.

    What I tried: I tried using an IF Formula stating: AND(F9>55.95,F13>1555.95) for the Logical_test, then doing 12.50 for false. The problem I've run into is I have absolutely no clue on how to decrease a number to an amount based on keeping the value of 1,555.95. In other words, I have no idea what to put into the true section. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, please tell me!

    Thank you!!!
    Last edited by nomthebomb; 02-17-2016 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    Question: what do you mean by, "the hourly and overtime both need to decrease to a number to offset any amount of commission received?"

    Reduced to what? Reduced so that the Total pay for the period does not exceed $1,000 unless commissions exceed $1,000?

    BTW: you could simplify some of your formulas. Cell C7 =MIN(C6,80) and Cell C8 =MAX(C6-80,0) and cell C10 =C9*1.5.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    Sorry if I wasn't clear. Basically, the main goal is to keep the Total pay for period at 1,555.95. If the Commission amount was to change to any number, and it ended up making the Total Pay for period go over 1,555.95, the thing we want decreased is the Regular Hourly Pay Rate and the Overtime Hourly Pay Rate to compensate for the commission. I'm just unsure how to make the hourly pay rate/overtime rate decrease to a certain number to account for the commission increase.

    An example: If I increased the Total Commissions & Sales Bonuses cell to 755.95, and we had 80 hours worked with no overtime payed, the Total pay for Period Cell would be 1,755.95. As we need it to be 1,555.95, what kind of formula could lower the Regular Hourly Pay rate and Overtime Hourly Pay Rate evenly to lower it to the 1,555.95 we need.

    I hope that was clear. If you have any more questions, please tell me! Thank you!!!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    What if total pay is lower 1,555,95? Leave Rate as itself or New Rate?

    Below formula populates new rate that aims to total pay = 1,555.95 disregards to hours:

    Quang PT

  5. #5
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    If the total pay is lower than 1,555.95, then leave the rates as itself. It's mainly if the compensation is tipping the total pay for period over the scale. If the compensation tips it over the scale, both the regular hourly pay rate and overtime need to decrease to a certain number to make it so it is close to 1,555.95. Thanks again for helping me. I really enjoy excel and all it can do, but sometimes it's really hard to think of the correct formulas to use.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    The Total pay links to Rate
    If Total pay exceed a value, change Rate.
    That is a circular reference, excel could not do that.
    I suggest use other cell for "NewRate" and put my formula in #4

  7. #7
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    Oh wow, I just used your previous formula in my Hourly Pay Rate and it worked perfectly!

    The only problem is if there is a way to not increase the Hourly Pay rate above 12.50 for Regular and the 18.50 for Overtime Hourly Pay Rate.
    I only want it to decrease if the Total Pay for Period reaches 1,555.95. I don't want it to increase over 12.50 and 18.50.
    The formula makes it so it will always equal 1,555.95 because it can increase the payrate and overtime to an insane amount to compensate for a lower commission.

    If you can do this, you're amazing!
    Last edited by nomthebomb; 02-19-2016 at 02:38 AM.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    I was locked out of the site for while. I got the same answer, but showing my work. I am using Max and Min in my formula to keep the rate from going below zero or above 12.50.


  9. #9
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    I was locked out of the site for while. I got the same answer, but showing my work. I am using Max and Min in my formula to keep the rate from going below zero or above 12.50.

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  10. #10
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    Wow, the amount of effort you put into this is amazing! There's still one problem that I'm not sure how to fix. If I put in over 80 hours in Total Hours Worked and it puts stuff in the overtime hours, the total pay for period goes above 1555.95. This is if the commission is set already to a high amount(like in the document right now).

    To test: you can just put 81 in Total Hours Worked and you'll see that the Total pay for Period goes to 1,590.34. If this is something that can't be solved -- don't worry about it. Getting it this far was amazing.

    Also: there isn't a floor because there is only going to be so much commission one will earn in a 2 week period.


  11. #11
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    There is an add in called solver File -> Options - Add Ins -> Excel Addins. Once you have it enabled, it will appear on the far right of the data ribbon.

    Set it up like the picture and click on the solve button on the bottom.
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  12. #12
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    Re: Need to change hourly rate + overtime rate if total pay for period goes over $1,555.95

    This works! I'll just do this every time at the end of all the equations and it will solve it for me. Thank you for all your help!

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