Dear anyone,

I have an art installation going up this evening in Seattle and I haven't been able to surmount a technical hurdle.

I need a short line of VBA macro code in excel which does the following:
  • Selects each cell, one by one, in a 99 column by 61 row grid. Must go left to right.
  • Stops at each cell and allows for 5 seconds of voice input (maybe using the DoEvents command?) and then moves on to the next cell automatically.
  • When it gets to the end, loops back to the beginning of the range and does it again either indefinitely or something like 10 times.

Bonus points if...
o Can edit how long it waits
o Difficult to derail
o Uses innate excel speech recognition instead of me using a second program which is listening all the time for input. (maybe too hard)

Help me Obi Wan, You're my only hope.