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automated Large Data Sorting and Filtering

  1. #1
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    automated Large Data Sorting and Filtering


    I'm currently working on a scientific research project which makes use of particle tracking analysis.

    I'm interested in determining the wether a particle is static or mobile, and if it is mobile, then how far it has traveled.

    I use ImageJ, along with the mosaic add-on, and it has created excellent datasets.

    However, I'm having to soft through 600+ individual particles, all of which will have a x and y data point per frame.

    Some particles will only exist for a few second and dispear, so I get x and y data for 6 frames (for the sake of example), however, some will remain and have a greater number of frames.

    I have sucesfully split each particle (Trajectory = Particle) into it's own worksheet using the plug-in below:


    However, given the sheer number of particles, I end of up with an enormous and unmanegable amounts of worksheets... Here's what I would like to do:

    - Filter out particles (trajectories) which apear in less than 10 frames (for example).

    - Split the data into two worksheets (instead of 600+): Static and Mobile

    - For moving particles: Calculate the maximum distance traveled in x (y is not relevant in this case). This could simply be done by substituting the final value of x from the beginning value of x for each particle, this of course is dependant on how many frames the particle is active on. However, this could also allow for the determination of wether the particle is static or mobile (assuming a similar threshold: Ergo: If total movent =< 20, then it is static or > then mobile ).

    Right now the results are all outputted into one individual table with the following format:

    (# = Data value and n = maximum trajectories registered)

    Trajectory | Frame | x | y |
    1 1 # #
    1 2 # #
    2 1 # #
    2 2 # #
    2 3 # #
    2 4 # #
    2 5 # #
    3 1 # #
    3 2 # #
    3 3 # #
    3 4 # #
    . . . .
    . . . .
    . . . .
    n n # #

    What I would like:

    Worksheet 2: Mobile Particles
    Trajectory | Frame | x | y |
    2 1 # #
    2 2 # #
    2 3 # #
    2 4 # #
    2 5 # #
    Max Distance: # #

    3 1 # #
    3 2 # #
    3 3 # #
    Max Distance: # #

    Worksheet 1: Static Particles
    Trajectory | Max Frame
    1 2

    I realise this is a big ask and could be quite complex, but any advice will be helpful!


  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: automated Large Data Sorting and Filtering

    We could probably help you out a lot better if you attach a sample workbook with data. To attach a workbook, click on go advanced, then click on manage attachments, navigate to where the workbook is and upload it. After it is uploaded, you can leave the page and continue posting.
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

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