Hi there,
I have searched high and lo on the net looking for some formula that will return the value if the date falls within a range.
In this example below, I have a sheet with dates in column A (every date from 2010 to 2019) I want a formula that checks the date in Column A and compares it to the named range SchoolHolidays, start date range1 is in column J and the end date range is in column K and returning the content in Column L into Column F
I have tried various variations of Vlookup, but that only finds the date if it is the actual date in column J and enters the Sch Hol in column F and doesn't find the next date. If the date is not within range, then just leave cell blank.
I know it shouldn't be so difficult, but I haven't been able to find something to manipulate to get what I am after.
In the example below I manually entered in the 3/4/2010 - just to show what it was supposed to do.
Thank you for having a look at this for me.
Lookup date in date range and return content of adjacent cell.JPG