Hi peeps. I'm stumped.
Whenever I click on hyperlinks from my excel overview sheet to our website, chrome opens 2 duplicate tabs
The 2 types of hyperlink formulae are here:

=IF('invoice analyser'!DX155=0,"",HYPERLINK("https://specialist.treebuddy.co.uk/x/account/"&'invoice analyser'!DX155&"/","A"&'invoice analyser'!DX155))

=HYPERLINK("https://specialist.treebuddy.co.uk/x/invoice/"&'invoice analyser'!B155&"/",IF('invoice analyser'!B155=0,"",'invoice analyser'!B155))

or these simplified



The following hyperlink to open google maps works fine (ie only opens 1 tab)


To my mind, this is in the same format as the ones above that open 2 tabs, suggesting it's something in chrome or our website rather than in excel..?
Any ideas?
