I'm trying to analyze the frequency of how often topics show up through a data set of open text feedback by doing a count of the number of times keywords have shown up. So, for example:

FEEDBACK 1: I liked XYZ because of TRAIT #1 HERE and TRAIT #2 HERE.
FEEDBACK 2: I hated JKL because of NEGATIVE TRAIT #1.

Topic 1 keywords: XYZ, Trait #1 Here, Trait #2 Here
Topic 2 keywords: JKL, Negative Trait #1

So the way I currently am doing it is:

Evaluating Topic 1: Counting if XYZ appears + Counting if TRAIT #1 appears + TRAIT #2

However, I realized that this leads to double counting. So, following this example, if I evaluated the two example cell, my formula would then output "3" for Topic 1, even though it was only a single feedback post that had topic one in it!! Is there anyway I can manipulate my formula to only indicate "1" for a single cell even if multiple keywords appear in it? So something essentially that makes my search go for "Summate if XYZ OR TRAIT #1 HERE OR TRAIT #2 HERE" is there instead of the "And".