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Time to empty spread sheet

  1. #1
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    Post Time to empty spread sheet

    Hi Guys,

    A little help if possible,

    I am trying to create a spread sheet that displays something like a water tank 0% to 100%, But you enter the time and tank level. then a second Time and tank level. which calculates the Difference in percentage and time. Then suggests how quickly it is dropping. ie 5% per hour. And finally tells me when it would be empty. If someone is able to suggest this, that would be great. I spent a heap of time on similar sheets, but un able to work out how to do %'s and time together.

    Thanks Heaps, Drew

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor PFDave's Avatar
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    Re: Time to empty spread sheet

    I suspect you may be looking for a visual display for this, but I think this captures the calculation part you are asking about?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Time to empty spread sheet

    Excellent, Thank you. That is Close to what I am looking for.

    I like the idea of time to full. But would rather that be a Modifiable number, ie, could put [80%] and it would suggest how long it would take to get there.

    Time 1 : 12:00AM
    Tank Lvl: 85%

    Time 2 : 14:58 PM
    Tank LvL: 42%

    Time to Empty

    Time To Full

    % Change Per hour per Hour

    Time to reach [ ] %

    Something like that.

    Thanks Again.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Time to empty spread sheet

    Hello drurus and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    The following proposed solution is built on PFDave's formula.
    To get 'time to empty' the formula is: =IF(C3>C6,C5+(C5-C2)/(C6-C3)*-C6,"") *If level2 > level1 this cell will be blank
    To get 'time to full' the formula is: =IF(C3<C6,C5+(C5-C2)/(C6-C3)*(1-C6),"") *If level2 < level1 this cell will be blank
    To get '% change per hr.' the formula is: =(C6-C3)/((C5-C2)*24)
    To get 'time to reach []%' the formula is:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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