Hi and Help!

I'm VERY new to Excel, but recently have a need to save data I'm collecting from a Python script to Excel so I can easily review, search and display information.

I'm collecting data on 100,000+ 'systems' where each 'system' has a serial number, model, date and country, also each system has a number of components (component number and related description)

Would it be best to save each 'system' in a row?
[serial1] [model] [date] [country] [com1 num] [com1 desc] [com2 num] [com2 desc] ....
[serial2] [model] [date] [country] [com1 num] [com1 desc] [com2 num] [com2 desc] ....

Would I be able to search ANY cell and display all systems that match, 1 system per row, or in sheets?

Can I 'nest' or 'hide' system information OR display system information in a more readable format after a search?
[serial] [model] [date] [country]
[com1 num] [com1 desc]
[com2 num] [com2 desc]

Appreciate any help, thanks !