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Auto Populate Dynamic List Using Data Validation Drop Down

  1. #1
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    Question Auto Populate Dynamic List Using Data Validation Drop Down

    I have been trying to find out if this is even possible, so far I haven't been able to get an answer online...

    I am trying to create a running list based on choices made with Data Validation drop down menus in multiple cells. (FYI - Some of these cells also use VLookUp to account for variables, and the list I am trying to create needs to draw from 2 different sets of data.)

    Basically, I want to create a detailed cost breakdown of items which I use on a daily basis. Each item has multiple cost factors, some of which need to be purchased and some of which I already have in stock (in stock costs do need to be included).

    I created a sheet which details individual line items for the cost factors of each item I use, which separates these costs into the 2 data sets, purchase & in stock; it's important that I have the distinction between the 2 data sets for internal purposes. (I also want to point out that not every item has an in stock component, so I don't know if this would have an affect but felt it pertinent to mention.)

    So the idea is, on Monday I can choose the items I will need to use through the Data Validation drop down menus I've created, and the corresponding costing line items will be auto populated onto a third sheet to create an total accumulative breakdown of all costs for the whole week. I understand there will be redundancies, but having this comprehensive detailed list is the objective.

    This seemed simple in my head, but as I work through all of the moving parts - I am finding that it is not! Is there any hope for me?! If anyone could offer a hand, I'd be truly appreciative.

    I've attached a version of what I have created, so that you can better understand this unintentionally complicated spreadsheet.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!!!
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 2019

    Re: Auto Populate Dynamic List Using Data Validation Drop Down

    Here is where I have gotten.
    The following formula populates the lists in column M on the 'Items' sheet:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Using the information found in the 'Dynamic Name Workaround' portion of this article the lists are named and data validation is set up in column B on the 'Data' sheet.
    Note: the data validation source is modified (from the one suggested in the article) to read:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    The formula indirectly references A2 and when A2 is selected and the fill handle is dragged down, data validation copies to in B3, B4 etc. referencing A3, A4 etc.
    Note: the entries in column A of the 'Data' sheet have been modified. i.e. Item1, Item2 etc.
    I feel that we need to see an example of how the 'List' sheet should be filled in before we can move forward. I will be away for a few days so I will pick back up when I return providing one of the other members has not solved the issue beforehand.
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