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Vertical Axis of Graph, Format Axis to whole number, automatic

  1. #1
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    Vertical Axis of Graph, Format Axis to whole number, automatic

    I am trying to figure out if I can have a specific axis option (vertical axis) where my major unit is a whole number, so 1.0 but I still want it to Auto in case a large number comes in where it has to skip numbers to increase.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Thanks all!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Vertical Axis of Graph, Format Axis to whole number, automatic

    An example sheet with a few different charts illustrating what you want and what the built in options give that you don't want would probably help explain it better.

    One thing to note, Excel only has the "fixed" or "auto" options for the major unit. There is not a built in "I don't like the algorithm behind auto but fixed is too rigid so I wish I could change the algorithm behind the auto" option. There are techniques like this (https://peltiertech.com/reciprocal-chart-axis-scale/ ) that use a "dummy series" based on worksheet formulas and data labels that allow you to make your own axis according to the rules and algorithms you want. Or you can use VBA to link axis parameters to cells (where you can figure out the algorithm you want to apply to each axis parameter): https://peltiertech.com/link-excel-c...lues-in-cells/ I expect that one of these techniques will be what you end up using if neither the built in auto or fixed options are suitable for what you are trying to do (and it is worth the effort to automate the process of changing the axis parameters).
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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