Hi all!
(FYI, this is my first post so apologies if I haven't properly followed conventions in some way)
I have a sheet containing costs data, with costs recorded by FY as per the attached (mocked-up extract).
The costs are inputs from a client and implicitly assume a particular start date within a particular FY (i.e. they generally start in 2018 and are generally less in 2018, implying that the client is assuming they start the build & run of the particular technology around halfway through the year), which I plan to request from the client.
However, this start date is quite uncertain at this stage, and the sheet needs to be readily flexible according to variation in the particular start date.
The relevant costs are essentially fixed, not variable with respect to volume.
How can I set up the sheet / what formula can I use to shift costs back and forth based on a new start date (and implied current start date)?
I can only think of quite clunky formulae and I wonder if someone has a more elegant solution?
Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!
Kind regards,