Workbook with more data than I can feasibly recreate with anywhere near a range of 20 x 20.
I can't share the workbook because of sensitive information.

That said, if help can be had, I'm all ears.


I have several Worksheets in my Workbook.
Worksheet 1 determines whether or not certain sources can be used for information or not.
Worksheet 2 is a form with many Dynamic Drop Downs.
Worksheet 3+ are all data sets that provide data for Worksheet 2, in the form of lists that remove all the blanks.


These lists are all called through Data Validation.
The problem is that I need one of the cells (lets call it E15) to return either a static text, (that can be translated by another cell (E16 via Data Validation)
OR it (E15 needs to return a List via Data Validation, that can be read by E16 which will in turn produce a 2nd List of choices, or no choices at all.

Supplemental Information:
All of the lists items to be called are named ranges.
Some named ranges are being used with the EVALUATE function within the Name Manager.
All of this is based off of two values, that determine which range to use.
I am attempting to teach myself VBA. But it is slow going.

Thanks in advance to anyone attempting to help me.