Hi Guys,
I'm new here. I've seen the posts and am confident that I'll find my solution here.

I've been tasked to translate data from user inputs into a table.

The user inputs are fixed and cannot be changed (Because it will disrupt the users workflow)

To ask.JPG

The bigger green box is a drop-down lists. The Red boxes are user inputs. This data entry form is a way for us to track defect types from our raw materials.

How it works
Our guys would enter the material number and the batch number at the left-most red rectangle,
then they would choose, from a drop-down list, the material type (Big green box) which would dictate the defect type that are available to them (small green box & also a drop)
And then they would enter the quantity of defected raw material that share the same defect at the bottom (red rectangle)

My task
I need to break it down on another tab so that it looks like this:

End Goal.JPG

Its something along the lines of transposing, but not quite as its not a perfect array.

I'm not sure of SUMPRODUCT would do the trick and my only experience with VBA is the record function...

Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated!