I was trying to figure out a formula for the green section of the K column. Those 4 cells(K11:K14) are supposed to calculate the number of EE(the number of associate listed down in either C/D column). But I wanted to calculate and track the time frame for the E column as it varies depending on each name from each department(D Column).
For example, if I were to list 3 names for Multis department and the Time of EE is listed as 8:00, 8:15 and 10:00.Then if I input "Time from(I13)" to 8:00 and "Time To(J13)" to 12:00 the K13 cell should be able to give me 3 vs if I were to place 9:30 in the Time To(J13) cell, than the value should be 2.
I have tried different formulas and I have no clue where I keep messing up, when I placed the COUNTIFS function as =COUNTIFS(E4:E99,">="&I11,E4:E99,"<="&J11), it gives me the total number of EE on that time frame, I have also used =COUNTIF(D4:D99, VLOOKUP("Pick",D4:D99,1,FALSE)) to find the name picks and I tried combining them to search Time of EE for only the pick department, but it keeps saying my formula is wrong, could it be due to using those departments names and time off EE from a data validation chart from a different sheet?
So I was wondering how I could separate them according to their department, thank you. (I have attached the excel sheet to give a better understanding of the problem, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could please help me out with this.)