I am trying to get Swedish stock market data from the Web using Data -> from webb.

I want the whole table (to be able to filter on different ratios etc).

So far, I have only found one page on the Internet where Data->From webb actually produces a table that can be imported by Power Query

It is this page: affarsvarlden.se/bors/kurslistor/stockholm-large/kurs/

However,… The list is very long and breaks at 100 stocks.

On the internet page you must push a “Next Page” button to get the rest.

The Navigator for the Query only displays the stocks visible on page 1 and I have totally failed to get the data from page 2.

The second page does not have a unique URL. So I cant do a second query to reach it that way.

Is this possible to solve in some way?

I have Excel 365 and have tried the “Stocks Data Type” but it does not provide the same detailed data that I need. I also want the whole list “large cap sector”, which “Stocks Data Type” can’t give me.

Put my hope to a guru that can help

Kind regards
