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Skipping rows when false (copying cells from one sheet to another)

  1. #1
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    Skipping rows when false (copying cells from one sheet to another)

    Hope the bright excel minds can help me out.

    I saw another post that was doing exactly what I wanted to do, but I don't know the formula well enough to transfer it to my own spreadsheet.

    I have: Sheet 1 where I enter information (cell text) that I want to automatically transfer to Sheet 2. It is Columns A and C (sheet 1) that I want copied to Sheet 2 based on a true result in column B.

    Issue I have is that using my IF statement =IF('Requisition #''s'!B2:B25="21300-21301",'Requisition #''s'!A2,"") I get the blank rows (for example, rows 1 and 3 are true so info is copied, row 2 is false so I get a blank row that if I delete I get a row error)

    The formula that worked for another user follows, but is a bit complex for me to figure our how to transfer it to my needs.

    They had: a Helper row (they had Sheet 2, but mine would be on Sheet 1) =A1&"_"&COUNTIF(A$1:A1,A1)

    Then on their Sheet 1 (my Sheet 2): =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet2!$B:$B,MATCH(OFFSET(K2,-(MOD(ROW()-2,12)+1)+1,-(MOD(COLUMN()-1,3)),1,1)&"_"&MOD(ROW()-2,12)+1,Sheet2!$D:$D,0)),"")

    Advice appreciated! Thanks.

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    Last edited by PTHops; 08-16-2019 at 08:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert avk's Avatar
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    Re: Skipping rows when false (copying cells from one sheet to another)

    As i guessing all data of project code 21300-21301 extract in another sheet.
    Please refer attach file.
    In sheet 21300-21301 : "A1" mentioned as 21300-21301 for criteria.
    In "A11"
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    pressing by shift+ctrl+enter
    copy paste down
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    copy paste down
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  3. #3
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    Re: Skipping rows when false (copying cells from one sheet to another)

    This was the perfect answer! Thank you for tweaking my naming to ensure the formula worked. This will save me hours of retyping since the workbook will eventually have about 35 spreadsheet with different coding!

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