Can anybody tell me why Excel 365 has more clicks to accomplish a task than Excel 2013? For example, I always copy bits of information from an email and paste it into Excel. I used to just have a little shortcut icon on my Quick Access Toolbar that I would click once. Job done! Now, I have to click to select Paste options and then click again to choose which one. Or I have to Ctrl+V and Ctrl again to then click to make a selection. Why has this changed? All I want is one of the paste options as an icon on my Quick Access Toolbar. All you can add now is the whole Paste Special group. Does anybody know how to single out the one option I need and keep it as a single click icon?

Surely it's not progress to have 2 or more clicks for a job instead of just 1! Or maybe all my Googling just hasn't come across the right answer yet. I really hope somebody here can help.

Thank you all