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Graphing Secondary Axis- Incorrect date (4/19/2019) alignment

  1. #1
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    Question Graphing Secondary Axis- Incorrect date (4/19/2019) alignment

    I have 4 sets of data which I want to graph showing dates and data. I am graphing 2 data sets on scattered lines and 2 data sets on clustered columns. When I plot the primary axis scattered lines, excel asks for both X & Y (date and data). When I plot the secondary cluster columns, excel asks for only Y data (data) and the data is assumed from editing the horizontal category Axis.

    My problem is that the data does not line up properly . The data overlaps in inconsistent dates. For example, where the column and line plot intersect are on 4/19/2019 and 5/5/2019, when I want them to interest on the same day. I believe the columns are mixed up and do not align with the dates on the X-axis. How do I fix this?

    For example.
    my line data is discharge in gpm
    9/27/2019 8:00 25
    9/27/2019 10:00 23
    9/27/2019 12:00 22
    9/27/2019 14:00 23
    9/27/2019 16:00 23
    9/27/2019 18:00 25
    9/27/2019 20:00 23
    9/27/2019 22:00 34
    9/28/2019 0:00 30

    My column data is rain data in nches
    9/25/19 0:00 0.01
    9/26/19 0:00 0.10
    9/27/19 0:00 1.0
    9/28/19 0:00 1.5

    Thank you,
    Betty Walter
    Last edited by bjwalter6329; 10-11-2019 at 12:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Graphing Secondary Axis- Incorrect date (4/19/2019) alignment

    Not sure how much we can help with only your description to go on. We will need to know exactly how each data series is defined, exactly how you have the horizontal axes formatted, and probably some other things that don't come immediately to mind. The easiest way would be to create a sample file (dummy data, if needed) that illustrates the problems, an explanation of what is wrong, and an explanation of what you want to see differently in the chart. We can then see exactly what you are currently trying and suggest specific changes that will (hopefully) yield the desired result.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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