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Count dates in multiple colums IF meets criteria

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    Count dates in multiple colums IF meets criteria

    Hi there,

    I am really struggling with this one and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Anyway, I need to count the number of days in the last 30 days that belong to a particular location. (Example attached.)
    This is a scaled down version and there are over 1000 staff in the actual document.

    Anyway the formula I am using to count all the dates under 30 days is: =COUNTIFS(D1:CC24,">="&TODAY()-30)

    And that works fine.

    For everything older than 3 years I am using: =COUNTIFS(D1:CC24,">="&TODAY()-1095)

    And that also works fine.

    However when I need to add additional criteria I run into some issues. In theory I would have thought that I could simply add another criteria to count them by location: =COUNTIFS(D1:CC24,">="&TODAY()-30,$A$2:$A$24,"AAA")

    But excel cries and hides in the corner when I put that in and I cannot figure out what is wrong with the formula.

    I would be very thankful if someone could show me what I have stuffed up in the formula.
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