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how to find stock going out of date

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  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    how to find stock going out of date


    I have one table with sales forecast showing qtys sold each week and another table with list of products, qtys and sell by/expiry dates. I would like to run a simulation to highlight products that will go out of date.

    I use following assumptions:

    -Products go out of date because there is no sales forecast or sales forecast is not high enough and not all volume will be sold before it goes out of date
    -Products with lowest Sell By date are sold as first
    -If there is not enough qty on one row then reminder is taken from the next row to consume the forecast
    -If one row is not fully consumed by one forecast line then reminder qtys is allocated to next row on the forecast

    I have attached a file where I did some work on this. A:C is my sales forecast, E:G is my list of products and sell by dates. In col H there are volumes manually calculated and I would like to automate it. I:L are my calculations, which appear to work perhaps 90%. In col J I put in red two scenarios that havent worked with my formulas and I have overwritten them manually to get desired outcome but this makes me thinks perhaps the whole logic is flawed.

    Pls help
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: how to find stock going out of date

    I worked with this for a while and finally started over and came up with the setup on sheet 2.
    It employs row over row entry, however it would require inserting rows for new entries. i.e. when you enter the amount of product A to be added to the stock (bought) on 12/27/2019 you would have to insert a new row 8
    Columns A:D are entered manually
    Column E shows expiration date and is populated using: =IF(C2="Bought",A2+14,"")
    Column F shows cumulative amount bought (added to stock) and is populated using: =SUMIFS(D$2:D2,B$2:B2,B2,C$2:C2,C$2)
    Column G shows the cumulative amount sold and is populated using: =SUMIFS(D$2:D2,B$2:B2,B2,C$2:C2,C$3)
    Column H* shows the cumulative amount expired and is populated using: =IFERROR(INDEX(F$1:F2,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW(E$1:E2)/(E$1:E2=A2)/(B$1:B2=B2),1))-G2,0)
    Column I shows the amount expired that week and is populated using: =IF(AND(A3<>A2,B3=B2),H3-H2,"")
    Column J shows the inventory and is populated using: =F2-G2-H2
    *Column H may be hidden for aesthetic purposes.
    In attempting to find examples I ran across some templates for inventory management. You may want to see if there is something already available that would work.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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