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eliminate a certain combination of letter and number

  1. #1
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    eliminate a certain combination of letter and number


    I am wondering if its possible to eliminate a certain combination of letter and number.

    Ok So this is my worksheet.

    I have:
    Column A1: =\\ (CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(66,73))) // giving me input Letters B to I randomly
    Column B1: =\\ (RANDBETWEEN(1,8)) // giving me input Letters 1 to 8 randomly
    Column C1: =\\ =A1&" "&B1 // Which is the combination of A1 and B1

    However, I do not want cell C1 to compute certain value such as "A1." But I still want the letter A and the number 1 to be within the range of the random input

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: eliminate a certain combination of letter and number

    Welcome to the forum.

    So what do you want to be returned in C if A contains A and B contains 1?

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  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor Eastw00d's Avatar
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    Re: eliminate a certain combination of letter and number

    Hi, welcome to the forum.
    Maybe this is a solution:
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    where a1 can be between 65 and 73
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  4. #4
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    Re: eliminate a certain combination of letter and number

    Thank you for the welcome.

    I do not C1 to give the input of B1 B2 but i want it to input B3 B4 B5. I do not want to take B away as a possibility

  5. #5
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: eliminate a certain combination of letter and number

    So you've got an 8*8=64 outcome space. And some combinations thereof are invalid.

    So the way I'd do it is create all those 64 combos down a column -- A1, A2, A3, ... I8-- and then go back and delete out whatever combos are invalid.
    And then however long that range of cells is (50 cells? 55? whatever) set up a RAND that generates that many results as an integer, and run that as an index position to return from the range of valid results.

    The other way to do it is to generate your 8*8 results, then compare that against a lookup table for "invalid" results, and either return a null for invalid or do a recalc, but that's starting to get into recursion and anyway I'm not sure it's the best thing to do.

    So I think your best result would be to create a linear array of allowable results and then just feeding a random number into a position lookup in the array.

    You could make it a little more sophisticated by having all 64 results and then a helper cell with a manual Boolean switch for whether it's included, and then use that to create a helper column that only includes allowable entries as the index for your random lookup. And you could automate the array creation by telling it how many letters and numbers to include and then having it march down with ROW to fill it out or whatever.
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