
In a folder on the server [D: \ Server \ BemViver \ Piscina \ Armarios \ DataOrigem] a * .csv file consisting of 7 columns [Room] [Cabinet] [User] [Name] [Balance] [ Data] [nDoc] is recorded every 15 minutes and which is automatically generated by a management software.
The name of this csv file is assigned by the following rule [DataZ_XYZ_20210115_131500.csv] where the group [DataZ_XYZ_] is fixed. Only the Date and Time groups are changed according to the date and time they are recorded.
* The time is not strict, depending on the recording delay.

In a folder [D: \ Server \ BemViver \ Piscina \ Armarios] I have a file [Status.Armarios.xlsx] that is ALWAYS linked to the LAST recorded csv file.
For example:
In the Moment1 the file [Status.Armarios.xlsx] is linked to [DataZ_XYZ_20210115_131500.csv]
In the Moment2 (15 minutes later) the file [Status.Armarios.xlsx] is no longer linked to the file [DataZ_XYZ_20210115_131500.csv]
and becomes linked to the file [DataZ_XYZ_20210115_133025.csv]
In the Moment3 (15 minutes after the Moment2) the file [Status.Armarios.xlsx] is no longer linked to the file [DataZ_XYZ_20210115_133025.csv]
and becomes linked to the file [DataZ_XYZ_20210115_134510.csv]

What I want:
Bearing in mind that, every 15 minutes a new csv is recorded and added to the server's folder according to said rule, how do I make sure that the file [Status.Armarios.xlsx] is always up to date and linked to the last file csv that was inserted?
** In the csv file, the name of the Sheet changes according to the name of the file (same name).

Jesus Santos