I am seeking advice on how to have a prompt for the user to select source files for an Excel file that has a built-in Power Query.

I have a Power Query that merges data from two Excel files and produces the desired output. The two files to be merged change over time: Our system produces a new Excel file output on a regular basis. So this week the merged data will be from two particular files (a current file and a second one from two weeks ago) but next week it will be from two different files.

What I would like some way for the user to be prompted to select the two files to be merged, e.g. pick File A and now pick a second file to be merged in the output. Perhaps this prompt could occur when the user clicks to refresh the data.

I know how to change the source file(s) within Power Query but for these users it would be better if there was a simple way for them to browse to a folder location, click to select a file, and then prompted to browse-and-click for the second file.

I have only just started using/learning Power Query—this is my first attempt—so any recommendation on recourses is highly appreciated.

Thank you!