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Please help!! Trying to group together identical ingredients for a single total

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    Please help!! Trying to group together identical ingredients for a single total

    Hi Everyone,

    Bit of a noob when it comes to excel so even when reading 'how to's' on the internet that require any kind knowledge is very confusing!

    The over all aim is to create a shopping list of ingredients from recipes I have entered into the sheet.

    Heres what i've done already..

    I've made a sheet called 'recipes' with all the recipes and their ingredients listed and calculated. I've added filters so i can filter by the shop where to buy from for example. I now want a shopping list sheet connected to that one.

    Here's the problem, There are multiple lines of the same ingredient. For example many recipes have eggs in, so eggs are listed like 10 times. I don't want that. I just want eggs totalled (and every other ingredient to).

    I've tried to make sure all the ingredients are all spelt exactly the same!

    I've attached the spreadsheet to get a better idea of what i'm talking about!

    If anyone could help me i'd really appreciate it,
    Thank you
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