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Sumifs and Table Filtering

  1. #1
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    Sumifs and Table Filtering


    This is one that's puzzled me for quite some time.
    I use a lot of tables (usually from SQL) and I generally report figures from tables using SUMIFS.

    Most of the time it works fine but, seemingly randomly, I run into problems with filtering.

    The problem is that I want my SUMIFS functions to always show summarised numbers from a table no matter what the filter state is. I'm finding that sometimes when I filter a table, all SUMIFS that fall outside of the filters criteria show zero - I would like them to continue to show the results as if the table wasn't filtered.

    I only seem to run into this problem now and again but when I do, it completely puzzles me - it seems that the default behaviour is for SUMIFS to show results no matter what the state of the filters are and, searching on the web I can see that most questions are going the other way - ie 'how do I get SUMIFS to recognise filters' - I'm completely confused.

    Example - I have a table coming in from SQL containing the TB for a large company. I have around 50 tabs that show P&L and Balance Sheet data for various divisions and departments of the business. If I filter the table, all of the sheets continue to show complete data (via SUMIFS).
    If I create a new spreadsheet and pull the same data in from SQL and create a sheet with several SUMIFS looking up data with different criteria and I then filter the table to show only one category - all SUMIFS that have criteria for other categories revert to zero.

    I'm not sure why i'm getting inconsistent results? ...is there a setting that I've missed?

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Sumifs and Table Filtering

    Here's a thread from yesterday on the same issue: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-for...ble-cells.html

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  3. #3
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    Re: Sumifs and Table Filtering

    Thanks Ali,

    I think it's slightly different - I want SUMIFS to work no matter what the table filters are doing (visible and non-visable cells) - which I think is the default behaviour.

    I'm getting inconsistent behaviour ...most of the time SUMIFS ignore the filter (which I like) but sometimes SUMIFS will only work on visible cells.

    I'm wondering if there's some kind of setting that I need to apply? ...or perhaps there's been a change in Excel. Most of my spreadsheets have evolved over years and therefore originated in previous versions of Excel - I seem to get the above problem a lot when I create a new spreadsheet (I'm using 365 MSO (16.0.13929.20206)).

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Sumifs and Table Filtering

    Difficult to say ...

    Are you still using Excel 2017?

    There are instructions at the top of the page explaining how to attach your sample workbook.

    A good sample workbook has just 10-20 rows of representative data that has been desensitised. It also has expected results mocked up, relevant cells highlighted and a few explanatory notes.

  5. #5
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    Re: Sumifs and Table Filtering

    Quote Originally Posted by aligw View Post
    difficult to say ...

    Are you still using excel 2017?
    ms 365 mso (16.0.13929.20206)

  6. #6
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    Re: Sumifs and Table Filtering

    Ah - I've fixed my own problem!

    I'd added a custom column to the SQL table which summed the months of the financial year using autosum - I didn't check but autosum automatically created a SUBTOTAL function (=SUBTOTAL(9,DB_Con_TBQ_2022[[Oct-21]:[Mar-22]])) and therefore hidden rows would be zero!

    I've change the formula to =SUM(DB_Con_TBQ_2022[[Oct-21]:[Mar-22]]) and now everything works!!

    ...this has been bugging me for a couple of years - I guess coming on here has forced me to think about it in enough detail to solve the problem!

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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Sumifs and Table Filtering

    ms 365 mso (16.0.13929.20206)
    Please update your forum profile NOW. Thanks.

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