I'm certainly not a power Excel user and there may be a simpler way to do what I need to do, but here goes. I have to columns, one with cell phone numbers and one with home phone number. What I need to do is have one column with a cell number in if it existed, and if not, then put in the home phone number. I got to the point of being able to use a formula to determine if the cell was empty or not, but I can't figure out a way to say if it is empty, then move or copy the data from the cell next it in the same row.
I did see in another post that Excel can't use formulas to move or copy data and that VB script would be needed to do that. Is that correct?


Not sure if my image was inserted or not, but if it did, You can see that column E has 2, 3, and 4 populated with a "home number" while column F has those rows empty. I need to get those home phone numbers into the empty rows while leaving the cell numbers as they are when they are populated. The spreadsheet is nearly 1,000 lines long so I really would prefer an automated process for this if possible.

Thanks for any help,