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Conditional Formatting - Custom Formula help needed

  1. #1
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    Conditional Formatting - Custom Formula help needed

    I'm using Google Sheets but think it works the same way as it does in Excel.

    Regarding conditional formatting, are there any easier ways of writing custom formulas to highlight a cell that's based on multiple other cells that all have the same condition?

    e.g. The range to highlight is A1:C1

    Is there a better custom formula that the ones I've written for the following example scenarios...

    IF - E1,F1,G1,H1,K1,L1,M1 are all true

    custom formula: =and($E1=true,$F1=true,$G1=true,$H1=true,$K1=true,$L1-true,$M1=true)

    IF D1,E1 & F1 are ALL false but EITHER G1, H1 or K1 are true

    custom formula: =and($D1=false,$E1=false,$F1=false,or($G1=true,$H1=true,$K1=true))

    EITHER B1 OR C1 is true AND any of E1,G1, K1 are true)

    custom formula: =and(or($B1=true,$C1=true),or($E1=,$G1=true,$K1=true))

    Please tell me there's a better, easier way of writing these formulas because I've got a scenario where I need each row of cells (within the ranges A1:C35,E1:Y35) to highlight if EITHER B or C is true (for that particular row) and ALL of the cells between E and Y are false - I don't want to have to list every single cell in the formula but I don't know if there's any other way to do it.

    I tried =and(or($B1=true,$C1=true),$E1:$Y1=false) but all that does is highlight the E to Y cells that match those conditions, when I need it to ALSO highlight the A to C cells.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Custom Formula help needed

    If you have True and False as your cell values, there is no need to compare to TRUE

    For example, you an change




    But for false:



    And change



    =and(or($B1=true,$C1=true),COUNTIF($E1:$Y1,false)=21) (change the 21 to the max number of falses in E:Y)

    and you can change


    to just

    Last edited by Bernie Deitrick; 11-16-2022 at 05:05 PM.
    Bernie Deitrick
    Excel MVP 2000-2010

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