Dear forum, i have the next sheet to easy generate emails to my clients

THe concept

I have my calculation program how many short lengts i need from a specific material. This gives me a list of total amount of lengths i need to order from my steel supplier. What i want to do is to have a sheet that can easy send an email to my supplier with a list of materials.
to do this i have created a Hyperlinks cell with a Outlook connection. the email i want to send should look like this:

Dear (name),
Please an offer for the next materials
2x - Koker -10X50X2mm - ALU
2x - Koker -150X50X2mm - ALU
3x - Koker -5X50X2mm - ALU
bestelformulier materialen leveranciers.xlsx
my problem: when i use an Hyperlink cell: it seems that is limited to an amount of charachters??? Therefore i cant send an email anymore if the list is very long.

i dont know if this is true but it seems like it. I think that there should be another solution to set up such an email, and i was hoping that there is someone with an idea