
I would need to compare the sampling dates between the two tables. Both tables have sampling dates for samples taken at different farms. Sample1 and Sample2 refer to different kind of samples taken. I would like to know how much time there is between the different sampling dates for a given farm. For example, in table 1, from farm1, three samples (sample1_1, sample1_2, sample1_3) were taken at two different time points. I would like to know 1) whether farm1 was also sampled in another sampling scheme (table2), and 2) how much time was there between the sampling points. In table2, there might be several sampling occasions for one farm and these all should be included in the comparison.

I have tried using the FILTER function, but clearly some more advanced is needed here. Does anyone have any ideas? I have attached a sample file.Example2.xlsx

Any advice or ideas are more than welcome! Perhaps this is something that is not attainable with Excel.
