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Getting Data based on Condition

  1. #1
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    Getting Data based on Condition

    Hello, I hope you doing good

    I have an issue see the attached image. It has 3 rows Username, Reporting, and date. now I want to see what danu66 posted on 8 August 2023. This is data where an employee reports what he will be doing every day so the data will be updated daily, which means the name of the employee (the name is unique) will come every day. I want to get the data of a person on a particular data how can I do that? Please help
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Sam Capricci's Avatar
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition

    first off, you have 3 columns, not rows, but to match two variables, are you planning on putting the variables in cells or are you wanting them incorporated into the formula?
    example, MATCH ("danu66"... or MATCH (G2...
    where G2 (and likely H2 for date) would be where you would be putting the name (and date in H2) you want to match on?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition

    VLookUp Would be my guess to start with

  4. #4
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition

    Thanks for the reply,

    okay so I will create one more sheet and this above pic will be my source of data, I want to get the data of a person in that sheet only.
    . I used xlookup but the issue is I don't know how to put two conditions like I want to search danu66 only of a particular date so there are two condition one is of name and other is date if that matches then only give me the reporting cell as a result of that person of that date in a new sheet cell
    Last edited by shubhamdeokule; 08-15-2023 at 01:22 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition

    There are instructions at the top of the page explaining how to attach your sample workbook (yellow banner: HOW TO ATTACH YOUR SAMPLE WORKBOOK). Screenshots are of little practical use as we cannot manipulate them.

    A good sample workbook has just 10-20 rows of representative data that has been desensitised. It also has expected results mocked up, worked examples where required, relevant cells highlighted and a few explanatory notes.

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  6. #6
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition


  7. #7
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition

    the issue is that I im getting data of reporting if I mark danu66 as lookup but I want to lookup for two condition one for name and other of date

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Getting Data based on Condition

    Waiting for a sample workbook.

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