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Listing all combinations of two variable data table that satisfy criteria

  1. #1
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    Smile Listing all combinations of two variable data table that satisfy criteria


    I have a two variable data table where I need to be able to list all of the combinations of actions that produce a green cell. The colour of the cell represents whether actions can be used with each other. This list will then be used to evaluate interactions between these actions with further data. I could list these eligible combinations by hand but realistically there will be a lot more actions with the real-world data. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Listing all combinations of two variable data table that satisfy criteria

    The shading seems (to me) to be random - no logical rule has been applied. Is that correct?

    You didn't really tell us what you expect to see, so this is a guess. In Column AU there is a list of ALL Row/Column combinations (first letter=Row, 2nd letter = Column). The yellow cell has counted them.

    If this IS what you want, let me know and I'll explain. Change a few fills in the original data. It >>should<< update satisfactorily.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Listing all combinations of two variable data table that satisfy criteria

    Hi Glenn,

    Thank you for the help! Legend! Yes the shading is intentionally random at this stage. The list of row/column combinations are exactly what I was looking for, apologies for the unclear description. An explanation would be great thanks.


  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Listing all combinations of two variable data table that satisfy criteria

    In the original file, there were two named ranges. I forgot to delte one of them. This version has only the one. CTRL-F3 to view/edit. It's called cell fill.


    This uses an elderly Excel V4 macro. The 63 specifies cell fill. The 0 secifies the number of rows away from the "Starting Cell" (C7) the first result will be. The -22 specifies the number of columns away... 22 to the left. The 21 of your array and a space. A fill of 36 = your light green

    =CellFill in Y7 will return the fill of the cell on the same row, 22 columns to the left (i.e. C7). Drag across and dnown to complete a 21x21 cell grid, to match your original.

    I then wasted some time getting the results returned. The formula I used was falkey. I have no idea why. Sometimes it gave 103, sometimes none, sometimes something in between. By accident I found that if I returned the values as TEXT rather than as numbers, it ALWAYS gave 103 results.

    The formula, in AU7 is fairly straightforward:


    Red: the -- converts the text "numbers" back to real numbers. This bit says, if the number = 36, return (Blue) the column letter, otherwise return z (this causes Excel to return the #NAME error, as I didn't put the z inside "" to make it text.

    Cyan TOCOL(....,3) returns all the values in a single column, excluding errors (so the #NAME errors vanish)

    Purple joins the row letter with the black bit... which is the same as the first half... except it returns the column header.

    That's it.

    You're welcome. Thanks for letting us know that you got an answer.

    Please take a moment and consider clicking the "Add Reputation" button at the foot of any of the posts of anyone who helped you reach a solution here today.

    Finally, if that takes care of your original question, please click on "Thread Tools" from the menu link (just above the first post in the thread) and mark this thread as SOLVED.
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