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excused assignment in the excel gradebook.

  1. #1

    excused assignment in the excel gradebook.

    I am using the excel template for the teacher's gradebook based on points.
    Sometimes when a student is absent, I would like to excuse them from an
    assignment and just average their grade without that assingment. The
    gradebook template divides by the total number of possible points to
    calculate the average. How can I omit an assignment from the calculation of
    the average?

  2. #2
    Jason Morin

    Re: excused assignment in the excel gradebook.

    One way:


    where column A is points received for each assignment and
    col. B is total possible points for each assignment. It
    assumes that if a student is absent and no points are
    given for the assignment, then the cell in A is left

    Atlanta, GA

    >-----Original Message-----
    >I am using the excel template for the teacher's gradebook

    based on points.
    >Sometimes when a student is absent, I would like to

    excuse them from an
    >assignment and just average their grade without that

    assingment. The
    >gradebook template divides by the total number of

    possible points to
    >calculate the average. How can I omit an assignment from

    the calculation of
    >the average?

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