I am using Excel 2000. I have made a W2 form that I need to copy and paste
for a total of 80 copies. ( I made the form just through using cell borders
and resizing cells etc.)

All of this is being done on the same worksheet. Through cell protection the
user will tab from one cell to another filling out the appropriate


When I made this I had to decrease the height of some cells and increase the
height of other cells.

When I copy this down the sheet for a total of 80 copies the cells are set
to the original default settings of 17 pixels in height. It copies the form
I made but of course all of the cells all the way down are not the proper

Is there a way to copy this and have it also copy the cell height?

I sure hope so.

I know everyone is wondering why I would go to the trouble when I could just
use Quicken or some other type of program, but I just enjoy doing these

Any help would be appreciated.

John Kitchens