I collect data from an Excelsheet into a DataArray. Then fill a RS where I use varChar as Type Field. These 2 functions is in an Excel Addin:

I ship the RS to a VB6 Client.

A very strange thing happen when I fill the RS from a cell formatted as Date in some how. My regional setting is currently English(UK) which means dd/MM/YYYY.

when I write April 11, 2005 in the cell this is shown as 11/04/2005 in the statusbar which is correct. This is put into the RS.

When I loop through the RS on the VB6 Client I receive 4/11/2005. So something has happened in the RS and flipped the date format, but why?
Is there I way to avoid this?

When the cell is formatted as Text everything works alright, but I cannot rely on that formatting and would like the users to feel free using Date format in the cells if they like to.

But the data in the RS will be of various types so varChar is best I think. I use Excel2003