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date is in 20010129 format, how can I get it in m/d/y format

  1. #1

    date is in 20010129 format, how can I get it in m/d/y format


  2. #2
    Peo Sjoblom

    RE: date is in 20010129 format, how can I get it in m/d/y format

    Data>text to column, go to step three and select date and YMD

    and for future posts it's considered rude just using the subject line


    Peo Sjoblom

  3. #3
    Dave O

    Re: date is in 20010129 format, how can I get it in m/d/y format

    With the value 20010129 in cell A1, enter this formula in B1:

    and the format the cell as a date. The various functions parse the
    20010129 string into its components, and the DATEVALUE converts that
    string to a datevalue that Excel can recognize.

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