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ERROR: file format is not valid

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Unhappy ERROR: file format is not valid

    I have been trying to open a file in Excel, that was CREATED in Excel and it keeps telling me that the file format is not valid. What happened? How can I fix it?
    I did open the file before in Word. Could I have screwed it up by opening it in word? Because now it will not open in Excel, and I really need it to.
    There were 2 spreadsheets and I jsut opened the 2nd sheet in Word, and I need the first one. What can I do? Have I lost that file for good?
    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Have you tried changing the file extention to .xls? Maybe it accidentally saved as .doc . Unfortunately that's the only thing I can think it would be.

    Good luck,


  3. #3
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    Also if that doesn't work, go back to word then go to 'save as' and save it as a format excel will accept. Or just open it in word and copy and paste back into excel.

  4. #4
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    it is a .xls file

    I thought of that too, but the file IS saved as a .xls file. So I'm not sure why it would do that.
    Thank you anyway!

  5. #5
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    I tired doing the same thing as you did. Create in Excel and open in Word and I got the same warning. But I could still open the file through word, is it too much to copy and paste? That whole thing is weird to me, cause they're both part of office so they should be compatible. Sorry I couldn't help. Best of luck to you though!

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Please! Someone!?

    I REALLY need this file! The file is saved as an .xls, and when I opened it with Word I only opened the second speadsheet. I need the first one. What can I do!

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