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How to move down through a list?

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  1. #1
    Gerard Goodland

    How to move down through a list?


    I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I
    copy info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go
    back to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the
    copy and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row
    could change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there
    are none left?


  2. #2
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: How to move down through a list?

    Not sure of what you are asking. What is "this" in:
    "How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are none left?"?
    Are you using a macro? If so, post back and include the text of your
    macro. Don't attach a file, please. HTH Otto

    "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi,
    > I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I copy
    > info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go back
    > to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the copy
    > and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row could
    > change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are
    > none left?
    > Thanks

  3. #3
    Gerard Goodland

    Re: How to move down through a list?


    Below is the full macro. I am copying from the sheet "Contacts" to
    sheet " Inventory" . Once the copy is done I save the file using the
    value in X4 as the file name and then close the file and go back to thr
    original workbook. Now I need to move down to roe 8 and start the whole
    process over again untill there are no more rows with entries in the
    "Contacts" sheet. From where I select " Contacts" several lines from the
    top of the macro to ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True near the
    bottom all works ok. It's the part of getting it to move down in the
    "Contacts" sheet to the next row I can't get to work. The last row of
    the Contacts sheet is not known because it may be added to in the future.


    With Worksheets("Contacts")
    Dim myRow As Long
    For myRow = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=3

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

    Next myRow

    End With

    End Sub

    Otto Moehrbach wrote:
    > Gerald
    > Not sure of what you are asking. What is "this" in:
    > "How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are none left?"?
    > Are you using a macro? If so, post back and include the text of your
    > macro. Don't attach a file, please. HTH Otto
    > "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >>I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I copy
    >>info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go back
    >>to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the copy
    >>and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row could
    >>change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are
    >>none left?


  4. #4
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: How to move down through a list?

    I'm rewriting your macro for you. Since you are putting the Contact
    sheet in the With/End With construct, I'm assuming that the Inventory sheet
    is the active sheet. If this is not what you want, contact me direct at
    [email protected]. Remove "cobia97" from this address. Otto
    "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Otto,
    > Below is the full macro. I am copying from the sheet "Contacts" to sheet "
    > Inventory" . Once the copy is done I save the file using the value in X4
    > as the file name and then close the file and go back to thr original
    > workbook. Now I need to move down to roe 8 and start the whole process
    > over again untill there are no more rows with entries in the "Contacts"
    > sheet. From where I select " Contacts" several lines from the top of the
    > macro to ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True near the bottom all works
    > ok. It's the part of getting it to move down in the "Contacts" sheet to
    > the next row I can't get to work. The last row of the Contacts sheet is
    > not known because it may be added to in the future.
    > Thanks
    > With Worksheets("Contacts")
    > Dim myRow As Long
    > For myRow = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Range("B7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("D4").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Range("C7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("D5").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Range("D7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("D6").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Range("D7").Select
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Range("E7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Range("A7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("X4").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Range("F7:G7").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("W6").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=3
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("X4").Select
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Sheets("Inventory").Copy
    > ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    > Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("x4").Value
    > ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    > Next myRow
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > Otto Moehrbach wrote:
    >> Gerald
    >> Not sure of what you are asking. What is "this" in:
    >> "How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are none
    >> left?"?
    >> Are you using a macro? If so, post back and include the text of your
    >> macro. Don't attach a file, please. HTH Otto
    >> "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>>I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I copy
    >>>info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go back
    >>>to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the copy
    >>>and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row could
    >>>change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are
    >>>none left?



  5. #5
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: How to move down through a list?

    This macro does what I think you want. Note that the Inventory sheet
    must be the active sheet. I changed your scroll code somewhat. Just type
    in the row and column of the cell that you want at the top left corner of
    the screen. Post back if you need more. HTH Otto
    Sub CopyStuff()
    Dim myRow As Long
    Dim RngOfColB As Range
    Dim i As Range
    With Worksheets("Contacts")
    Set RngOfColB = .Range("B1", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
    For Each i In RngOfColB
    i.Copy Range("D4")
    i.Offset(, 1).Copy Range("D5")
    i.Offset(, 2).Copy Range("D6")
    i.Offset(, 3).Copy Range("D7")
    i.Offset(, 4).Copy Range("X4")
    i.Offset(, 5).Resize(, 2).Copy Range("W6")
    With ActiveWindow
    .ScrollRow = 1
    .ScrollColumn = 3
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    Next i
    End With
    End Sub
    "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Otto,
    > Below is the full macro. I am copying from the sheet "Contacts" to sheet "
    > Inventory" . Once the copy is done I save the file using the value in X4
    > as the file name and then close the file and go back to thr original
    > workbook. Now I need to move down to roe 8 and start the whole process
    > over again untill there are no more rows with entries in the "Contacts"
    > sheet. From where I select " Contacts" several lines from the top of the
    > macro to ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True near the bottom all works
    > ok. It's the part of getting it to move down in the "Contacts" sheet to
    > the next row I can't get to work. The last row of the Contacts sheet is
    > not known because it may be added to in the future.
    > Thanks
    > With Worksheets("Contacts")
    > Dim myRow As Long
    > For myRow = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Range("B7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("D4").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Range("C7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("D5").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Range("D7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("D6").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Range("D7").Select
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Range("E7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Range("A7").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("X4").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Range("F7:G7").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Selection.Copy
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("W6").Select
    > ActiveSheet.Paste
    > Sheets("Contacts").Select
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=3
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Range("X4").Select
    > Sheets("Inventory").Select
    > Sheets("Inventory").Copy
    > ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    > Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("x4").Value
    > ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    > Next myRow
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > Otto Moehrbach wrote:
    >> Gerald
    >> Not sure of what you are asking. What is "this" in:
    >> "How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are none
    >> left?"?
    >> Are you using a macro? If so, post back and include the text of your
    >> macro. Don't attach a file, please. HTH Otto
    >> "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>>I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I copy
    >>>info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go back
    >>>to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the copy
    >>>and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row could
    >>>change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are
    >>>none left?



  6. #6
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: How to move down through a list?

    Type the row and column number into the macro, not into the cell. HTH Otto
    "Otto Moehrbach" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Gerald
    > This macro does what I think you want. Note that the Inventory sheet
    > must be the active sheet. I changed your scroll code somewhat. Just type
    > in the row and column of the cell that you want at the top left corner of
    > the screen. Post back if you need more. HTH Otto
    > Sub CopyStuff()
    > Dim myRow As Long
    > Dim RngOfColB As Range
    > Dim i As Range
    > With Worksheets("Contacts")
    > Set RngOfColB = .Range("B1", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
    > For Each i In RngOfColB
    > i.Copy Range("D4")
    > i.Offset(, 1).Copy Range("D5")
    > i.Offset(, 2).Copy Range("D6")
    > i.Offset(, 3).Copy Range("D7")
    > i.Offset(, 4).Copy Range("X4")
    > i.Offset(, 5).Resize(, 2).Copy Range("W6")
    > With ActiveWindow
    > .ScrollRow = 1
    > .ScrollColumn = 3
    > End With
    > ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    > Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("x4").Value
    > ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    > Next i
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Otto,
    >> Below is the full macro. I am copying from the sheet "Contacts" to sheet
    >> " Inventory" . Once the copy is done I save the file using the value in
    >> X4 as the file name and then close the file and go back to thr original
    >> workbook. Now I need to move down to roe 8 and start the whole process
    >> over again untill there are no more rows with entries in the "Contacts"
    >> sheet. From where I select " Contacts" several lines from the top of the
    >> macro to ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True near the bottom all
    >> works ok. It's the part of getting it to move down in the "Contacts"
    >> sheet to the next row I can't get to work. The last row of the Contacts
    >> sheet is not known because it may be added to in the future.
    >> Thanks
    >> With Worksheets("Contacts")
    >> Dim myRow As Long
    >> For myRow = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Range("B7").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Range("D4").Select
    >> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> Range("C7").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Range("D5").Select
    >> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> Range("D7").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Range("D6").Select
    >> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >> Range("D7").Select
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> Range("E7").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Range("A7").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Range("X4").Select
    >> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Range("F7:G7").Select
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Range("W6").Select
    >> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=3
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Range("X4").Select
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >> Sheets("Inventory").Copy
    >> ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    >> Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("x4").Value
    >> ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    >> Next myRow
    >> End With
    >> End Sub
    >> Otto Moehrbach wrote:
    >>> Gerald
    >>> Not sure of what you are asking. What is "this" in:
    >>> "How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are none
    >>> left?"?
    >>> Are you using a macro? If so, post back and include the text of
    >>> your macro. Don't attach a file, please. HTH Otto
    >>> "Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>>I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I
    >>>>copy info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go
    >>>>back to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the
    >>>>copy and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row
    >>>>could change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there
    >>>>are none left?



  7. #7
    Gerard Goodland

    Re: How to move down through a list?

    Hi Otto,
    Thanks, I will give this a try, but first a couple questions. The info
    is copied from " Contacts" sheet to a sheet " Inventory" and I do not
    see where that happens in your code. Also what do you mean when you say
    to type the row and column number into the macro, where?


    Otto Moehrbach wrote:
    > Type the row and column number into the macro, not into the cell. HTH Otto
    > "Otto Moehrbach" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> This macro does what I think you want. Note that the Inventory sheet
    >>must be the active sheet. I changed your scroll code somewhat. Just type
    >>in the row and column of the cell that you want at the top left corner of
    >>the screen. Post back if you need more. HTH Otto
    >>Sub CopyStuff()
    >> Dim myRow As Long
    >> Dim RngOfColB As Range
    >> Dim i As Range
    >> With Worksheets("Contacts")
    >> Set RngOfColB = .Range("B1", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
    >> For Each i In RngOfColB
    >> i.Copy Range("D4")
    >> i.Offset(, 1).Copy Range("D5")
    >> i.Offset(, 2).Copy Range("D6")
    >> i.Offset(, 3).Copy Range("D7")
    >> i.Offset(, 4).Copy Range("X4")
    >> i.Offset(, 5).Resize(, 2).Copy Range("W6")
    >> With ActiveWindow
    >> .ScrollRow = 1
    >> .ScrollColumn = 3
    >> End With
    >> ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    >> Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("x4").Value
    >> ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    >> Next i
    >> End With
    >>End Sub
    >>"Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>news:[email protected]...
    >>>Below is the full macro. I am copying from the sheet "Contacts" to sheet
    >>>" Inventory" . Once the copy is done I save the file using the value in
    >>>X4 as the file name and then close the file and go back to thr original
    >>>workbook. Now I need to move down to roe 8 and start the whole process
    >>>over again untill there are no more rows with entries in the "Contacts"
    >>>sheet. From where I select " Contacts" several lines from the top of the
    >>>macro to ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True near the bottom all
    >>>works ok. It's the part of getting it to move down in the "Contacts"
    >>>sheet to the next row I can't get to work. The last row of the Contacts
    >>>sheet is not known because it may be added to in the future.
    >>> With Worksheets("Contacts")
    >>> Dim myRow As Long
    >>> For myRow = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Range("B7").Select
    >>> Selection.Copy
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> Range("D4").Select
    >>> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >>> Range("C7").Select
    >>> Selection.Copy
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> Range("D5").Select
    >>> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >>> Range("D7").Select
    >>> Selection.Copy
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> Range("D6").Select
    >>> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >>> Range("D7").Select
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >>> Range("E7").Select
    >>> Selection.Copy
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >>> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Range("A7").Select
    >>> Selection.Copy
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> Range("X4").Select
    >>> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Range("F7:G7").Select
    >>> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >>> Selection.Copy
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> Range("W6").Select
    >>> ActiveSheet.Paste
    >>> Sheets("Contacts").Select
    >>> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >>> ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=3
    >>> Sheets("Inventory").Select
    >>> Range("X4").Select
    >>>ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    >>> Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("x4").Value
    >>> ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    >>>Next myRow
    >>>End With
    >>>End Sub
    >>>Otto Moehrbach wrote:
    >>>> Not sure of what you are asking. What is "this" in:
    >>>>"How do I get this to move down to the next row until there are none
    >>>> Are you using a macro? If so, post back and include the text of
    >>>>your macro. Don't attach a file, please. HTH Otto
    >>>>"Gerard Goodland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>>news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>I have been attempting this but having no luck. I have sheet which I
    >>>>>copy info from A1:A9 to another sheet. Then I save and close that and go
    >>>>>back to the original sheet. I need to move down to row 2 and do all the
    >>>>>copy and paste again. There are about 300 rows and the exact last row
    >>>>>could change. How do I get this to move down to the next row until there
    >>>>>are none left?



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