Please note the formula below:

=+'WS1'!A4+'WS1'!A5+'WS1'!A6+'WS1'!A7+'WS1'!A8+'WS 1'!A9

It pulls information from Cells A4-A9, which reside in Worksheet 1 (WS1). This formula puts the total into Cell A1 and resides in Worksheet 2 (WS2).

I want to copy this formula straight across from A1 to C1 to E1, etc., in WS2 so it can extract and total the figures in Cells B4-B9, C4-C9, etc. from WS1. (Cells B1, D1, etc. in WS2 are percent figures).

What is happening when I try to copy is that the letter jumps from A to C- It must be recognizing the percent columns and carrying the letters over. I do not want that. I want C1 to have totals from B4-B9, E1 to have C4-C9, etc.

One person suggested putting a $ before the A, but that copied the same figures from A4-A9 all the way across. This is not want I wanted either.

Can anybody help??

Thank you--Peter