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Excel code conversion

  1. #1
    Graham Haughs

    Excel code conversion

    I really need some guidance on this one so that I know what I am dealing
    with. Our IT department in their wisdom, feel that Star Office is now
    the way forward. To cut this as short as possible we have a range of
    Excel programs all of which have macros, functions, data validation etc.
    Not a problem they tell me, the Excel spreadsheets just load directly
    into Star Office. I loaded one into Star Office spreadsheets and the
    first thing it did was assume all the macros were viruses and put a REM
    statement at the start of every line of code.
    Any cells where there were functions had error messages. Any data
    validation drop downs were non existent. Nothing of course will work.
    Not a problem they tell me again there is software which can be
    downloaded from the web and it will re-write all the code to the same as
    required by Star Office, presumably after it had cleared the REM. How it
    would handle functions, validation, user forms etc I have no idea but I
    am only a child of a lesser god and bow to the knowledge of these IT
    specialists. Basically I think they are talking rubbish but I need
    someone to confirm that to me, or indeed tell me I am talking rubbish. I
    think that each program would need to be re-written in Star Office code
    and functions etc used which are those of Star Office and not Excel as
    they are based on VBA. I would really value all comments on this or
    pointers to where I can have my doubts substantiated or removed. I am
    not trying to knock Star Office I just don't think that the simplicity
    of what I am being told is correct.
    Grateful thanks for your time.

    Kind Regards
    Graham Haughs
    Turriff, Scotland

  2. #2

    RE: Excel code conversion

    Star Office (SO) is very good, however it is not MS Excel. Excel is
    significantly more powerful than SO. Therefore it does not have all he
    functions and functionality of MS Excel.
    As such when opening more complex spreadsheets in Star Office you will
    encounter many problems, trying to solve these may well end up costing more
    than if you had stuck to Excel, both in terms of time and pounds.

    Hope that helps

    "Graham Haughs" wrote:

    > I really need some guidance on this one so that I know what I am dealing
    > with. Our IT department in their wisdom, feel that Star Office is now
    > the way forward. To cut this as short as possible we have a range of
    > Excel programs all of which have macros, functions, data validation etc.
    > Not a problem they tell me, the Excel spreadsheets just load directly
    > into Star Office. I loaded one into Star Office spreadsheets and the
    > first thing it did was assume all the macros were viruses and put a REM
    > statement at the start of every line of code.
    > Any cells where there were functions had error messages. Any data
    > validation drop downs were non existent. Nothing of course will work.
    > Not a problem they tell me again there is software which can be
    > downloaded from the web and it will re-write all the code to the same as
    > required by Star Office, presumably after it had cleared the REM. How it
    > would handle functions, validation, user forms etc I have no idea but I
    > am only a child of a lesser god and bow to the knowledge of these IT
    > specialists. Basically I think they are talking rubbish but I need
    > someone to confirm that to me, or indeed tell me I am talking rubbish. I
    > think that each program would need to be re-written in Star Office code
    > and functions etc used which are those of Star Office and not Excel as
    > they are based on VBA. I would really value all comments on this or
    > pointers to where I can have my doubts substantiated or removed. I am
    > not trying to knock Star Office I just don't think that the simplicity
    > of what I am being told is correct.
    > Grateful thanks for your time.
    > Kind Regards
    > Graham Haughs
    > Turriff, Scotland

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