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$ large amount of Data.

  1. #1
    confused man

    $ large amount of Data.

    I've been working on quite a large worksheet, and after about 5000 rows, I
    realized I forget to hit F4 and $$ the referenced cells. Is there a way to
    highlight a large area, and have it do the whole thing at once?

    Confused Man

  2. #2

    $ large amount of Data.


    Take a look at this:



    >-----Original Message-----
    >I've been working on quite a large worksheet, and after

    about 5000 rows, I
    >realized I forget to hit F4 and $$ the referenced cells.

    Is there a way to
    >highlight a large area, and have it do the whole thing at

    >Confused Man

  3. #3
    Oliver Ferns via OfficeKB.com

    Re: $ large amount of Data.

    this example is good but I seriously recommend NOT using cell as a variable
    name...it is a reserved word in Excel.

    My 2cents..


    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

  4. #4
    Gord Dibben

    Re: $ large amount of Data.


    Only with VBA.

    Sub Absolute()
    Dim rcell As Range
    For Each rcell In Selection
    If rcell.HasFormula Then
    rcell.Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(rcell.Formula, _
    xlA1, xlA1, xlAbsolute)
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub AbsoluteRow()
    Dim rcell As Range
    For Each rcell In Selection
    If rcell.HasFormula Then
    rcell.Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(rcell.Formula, _
    xlA1, xlA1, xlAbsRowRelColumn)
    End Sub

    Sub AbsoluteCol()
    Dim rcell As Range
    For Each rcell In Selection
    If rcell.HasFormula Then
    rcell.Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(rcell.Formula, _
    xlA1, xlA1, xlRelRowAbsColumn)
    End Sub

    Sub Relative()
    Dim rcell As Range
    For Each rcell In Selection
    If rcell.HasFormula Then
    rcell.Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(rcell.Formula, _
    xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)
    End Sub

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 23:59:57 -0500, "confused man" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I've been working on quite a large worksheet, and after about 5000 rows, I
    >realized I forget to hit F4 and $$ the referenced cells. Is there a way to
    >highlight a large area, and have it do the whole thing at once?
    >Confused Man

  5. #5
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: $ large amount of Data.


    Cells is, but cell is not.

    MS Excel MVP

    > I seriously recommend NOT using cell as a variable
    > name...it is a reserved word in Excel.

  6. #6
    confused man

    Re: $ large amount of Data.

    Thank you all,

    These explanation were a little more technical than I was hoping for. I'm
    not too good with VBA, but I bumbled my way through it using your collective

    Thanks so much
    Confused Man

    "confused man" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi,
    > I've been working on quite a large worksheet, and after about 5000 rows, I
    > realized I forget to hit F4 and $$ the referenced cells. Is there a way to
    > highlight a large area, and have it do the whole thing at once?
    > Thanks,
    > Confused Man

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